In the dust, we find our dreams
When I’m not deep in the wild documenting wildlife, you’ll find me on the dusty football fields across Africa, where the heartbeat of grassroots sports resonates. Growing up in a neighborhood where one field served an entire community of almost 10,000 people, I learned early that the spirit of football in Africa is more than just a game; it’s the center of our community, where friendships are forged, dreams are nurtured, and every child finds their place. The joy of gathering on these fields taught us the importance of sharing, of making room for each other in every sense. This is the foundation of my journey as a storyteller and a photographer.
In every community, you’ll find a patch of earth, maybe dusty and worn, where players huddle into corners—footballers in one, volleyball players in another, and basketballers and cross-country runners in any space left over. But this sharing isn’t just a local phenomenon; it’s an African tradition. From school grounds and university fields to municipal stadiums, this culture of shared space and communal joy connects us across the continent. I’ve found this same spirit in every place I’ve visited, from Kenya to Senegal, Ethiopia, and South Africa. No matter where you go, you’ll see children and young athletes making room for each other, turning every field into a shared arena of passion and play.
Guided by my mantra, “people, places, passion,” I’m committed to capturing the spirit of African football. My photographs feature players who range from local talent to rising stars in the national leagues. Some of them have even gone on to represent our country in national teams, yet no matter how far they go, the memory of these communal fields—where every dusty corner was a dream waiting to happen—remains with them. I want to capture that essence: the unique pride and unity that define African football.
But my dreams go beyond these fields. One day, I envision myself documenting the World Cup and capturing the Olympics. I dream of being on the global stage, where athletes from every corner of the world come together to compete, celebrate, and share in the beauty of sport. It’s a journey from the ghetto to the global stage and back, where I hope to bring stories of my community to the world—and, in turn, to bring the world back to my community. I want young athletes and storytellers in Africa to see that our dreams are just as big, that our stories matter, and that we belong on that global stage.
So, as I move through these communities, photographing the grit, joy, and resilience of players on dusty grounds, I carry with me a vision for what’s to come. My lens captures not only where we are but where we’re headed—a future where African stories are celebrated worldwide. Through every image, I seek to honor the communal bonds that shaped me and the fields that raised me, knowing that they’ve prepared me to tell stories from every corner of the earth.
Explore my journey, from the grassroots to the grand arenas, and share in the powerful stories that arise from these fields, where “people, places, passion” define everything. Join me in celebrating the beauty of African football and in dreaming big, for ourselves and for our future.